Dowry means property or money that a wife of her family must pay to her husband when they get married. Nowadays, the system of giving and taking dowry in marriage has struck deep roots in Bangladesh. Illiteracy, poverty and greed of the bridegroom are the main causes of this heinous system. In Bangladesh , it is seen to be a major problem. In the society of Bangladesh., this system treat as a serious curse. Wife is inhumanly tortured, and often killed by her husband oh dowry. Most of the parents are poor. They can not keep their word they give before marrying their daughters off. This leads to chaos and hellish unhappiness. However, the first thing to be done to stop this malpractice is to rise awareness among all. Movement against dowry system should be started from right now. We can get ride of this social vice by taking social reformative work urgently. With this end in view, we have to make people aware of the important of education. Education and self- reliance of woman can make them get rid of the curse of dowry. An educated woman can develop her personality and thus can command respect from her family and society. So first of all, we have to educate our womenfolk and at the same time, we must launch campaigns against this malpractice. Thus, we can get rid of the curse of this social malady.