A Street Beggar A street beggar is a person who begs from door to door for his/her livelihood. It is a common but pathetic sight in our country. We often see- street beggars around us. But they are found almost everywhere in cities and towns. A street beggar is usually an old, blind, crippled, or disabled person. He is usually found in torn or patched clothes. Sometimes he begs alone walking from one village to another. And sometimes we see a number of beggars begging together from our door to another in-group. In the villages, beggars usually use a begging bag that they hang from their left or right shoulders. But in the cities or towns, beggars usually use a plate that they hold out to receive alms when someone moves to give a coin or a taka. Most of the beggars sing a religious song or verse to draw the attention of people. Sometimes they beg to form a company of five or more beggars who sing the chorus to move the mind of the people. It is true that beggars are mostly poor and people are moved seeing their miserable condition of life. In many cases we see beggars suffering from fatal diseases that move people. When out of kindness people give alms to beggars, they pray to the Almighty for their benefit. But sometimes some beggars cheat people in the guise of a beggar, especially in the city areas. As a result, people living in the cities and towns have grown a mind to suspect beggars. Anyway, begging is never a good way to earn a livelihood. And no one wants to become a beggar. So the rich and wealthy people of the society should come forward to solve this problem. The government has also a great role to remove this curse from society because begging is simply unproductive and it causes wastage of human resources. Finally, a beggar himself should try for a better profession according to his own capability.