Stomach Paragraph for all classes
As mentioned before, the stomach is first and foremost a principal site of digestion. In fact, it is the first site of actual protein digestion. While sugars can begin to be lightly digested by salivary enzymes in the mouth, protein degradation will not occur until the food bolus reaches the stomach. This breakdown is carried out by the stomach’s pepsin enzyme. The stomach’s roles can essentially be distilled down to three functions.
Much like an elastic bag, the stomach will provide a place for varied amounts of swallowed food to rest and digest in. Hence, the stomach is a storage site. The stomach will also introduce our swallowed food to essential acids. The cells in the stomach’s lining will excrete a strong acidic mixture of hydrochloric acid, sodium chloride, and potassium chloride. This gastric acid, or colloquially known as gastric “juice,” will work to break down the bonds within the food particles at the molecular level. Pepsin enzyme will have the unique role of breaking the strong peptide bonds that hold the proteins in our food together, further preparing the food for the nutrient absorption that takes place in the small (mainly) and large intestines. This brings us to the third task the stomach has, which is to send off the churned watery mixture to the small intestine for further digestion and absorption. It takes about three hours for this to occur once the food is a liquid mix.
The stomach’s main roles:
Food storage
Acidic breakdown of swallowed food
Sends mixture on to the next phase in the small intestine
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